Moose Hunt
fromFawnie Mountain Hunts conducts 10 day moose hunts beginning each fall on September 15. Hunts are conducted from the main Lodge on Laidman Lake or clients have the option of flying from the Lodge at Laidman to one of our out post cabins or camps. Fall moose hunts can be combined with a fall black bear and wolf hunt for an additional fee. Trout fishing can be done in the lakes at any time during the hunt. While the main fishing season is winding down, fishing remains good on the lakes; particularly when using small spinners or during calm conditions allowing for the use of flies.
Our area is well known for its dense population of Canada Moose. Our main lodge at Laidman Lake is in the heart of prime moose country. Each fall we harvest good bulls from the shore of Laidman Lake. The area has many lakes, which provide easy floatplane access to our outpost camps. Moose like the habitat provided by the lakes and meadows that interconnect the lakes.
Large forest fires in recent years have dramatically changed the landscape in our hunting territory. The fires have cleared the forest of thick underbrush and the resulting increase of moose feed has resulted in a high winter survival rate. In short, the fires have improved the moose habitat. Our guides report that with the underbrush gone, their moose calls travel much further…an unanticipated benefit to the hunter!
Transportation during the hunt is by boat and hiking, depending on the physical limitations of the hunter. We are able to get close to many moose in the boats and calling is effective from both boats and while hiking. The extensive use of boats makes this hunt popular with hunters who do not want to hike long distances. We successfully guide hunters in all types of physical condition, and in ages ranging from 14 to 80 years.
Antler sizes of mature bulls ranges from 40 to 55 inches wide. Antler characteristics vary from heavily palmed and relatively “compact” racks to tall and wide (but less palmed) racks. We have noticed some interesting and pronounced drop tines and eye guards on several moose over the years that indicated a rather unique genetic trait amongst some of the bulls harvested. Regardless of antler size, our bulls all tend to be good eating!
Upon a successful hunt, meat and trophies are stored in a refrigerated unit at Laidman Lake before they are driven to Prince George for processing (we have a selected meat cutter and taxidermist in Prince George who handle all our needs). Clients can make arrangement for their meat and taxidermy needs directly with our selected providers.
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Group Size Small Group